city with trees

4 Ways To Make Your Home Stand Out in the City

Anisha FlynnSep 26, 20225 min read

Living in the city has a lot of advantages. You’re close to public transportation, nightlife, and all the shopping and restaurants you could ever want. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), 83.6% of residents in Northern American…


Tips for First-Time Travelers in the City

Anisha FlynnAug 27, 20224 min read

Some people only ever experience a city in one way – as a tourist. They visit all the famous landmarks, take pictures of them, and then leave. But there is so much more to a city than that! The best…


How to Afford a Comfortable City Living

Anisha FlynnAug 24, 20225 min read

Living in a city is a dream for many Americans. It offers the chance to be a part of the hustle and bustle while also enjoying the perks of living in a more densely populated area. Perks include walking to…


Five Easy Part-time Jobs in American Cities

Anisha FlynnAug 16, 20224 min read

American cities are some of the largest in the world. For example, New York City has a population of over 8 million people, while Los Angeles has a population of over 3 million. These large cities can be daunting to…

elderly on a stroll

Why Should You Consider Finding Companionship at the Old Age?

Anisha FlynnAug 15, 20224 min read

In our youth, we are constantly told to find a partner and settle down. As we age, that message seems to change, with many people feeling like they need to be alone to find themselves. But is this really the…


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